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English Study29

제인 에어(Jane Eyre) 영어 오디오북 챕터 16 CHAPTER XVI I both wished and feared to see Mr. Rochester on the day which followed this sleepless night: I wanted to hear his voice again, yet feared to meet his eye. During the early part of the morning, I momentarily expected his coming; he was not in the frequent habit of entering the schoolroom, but he did step in for a few minutes sometimes, and I had the impression that he was sure to vis.. 2023. 11. 15.
제인 에어(Jane Eyre) 영어 오디오북 챕터 15 CHAPTER XV Mr. Rochester did, on a future occasion, explain it. It was one afternoon, when he chanced to meet me and Adele in the grounds: and while she played with Pilot and her shuttlecock, he asked me to walk up and down a long beech avenue within sight of her. He then said that she was the daughter of a French opera-dancer, Celine Varens, towards whom he had once cherished what he called a ".. 2023. 11. 12.
제인 에어(Jane Eyre) 영어 오디오북 챕터 14 CHAPTER XIV For several subsequent days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the mornings he seemed muchengaged with business, and, in the afternoon, gentlemen from Millcote or the neighbourhood called, and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his sprain was well enough to admit of horse exercise, he rode out a good deal; probably to return these visits, as he generally did not come back till la.. 2023. 9. 20.
제인 에어(Jane Eyre) 영어 오디오북 챕터 13 이상하게도 1챕터를 제외하면 이 챕터의 조회수가 제일 많았다. 이미지 때문인가... 아니면 뭔가 다른 이유가 있는 걸까??? 그림은 미드저니를 이용해서 만들었다. 물론 입력한 명령어는 Jane Eyre, black and white... 였겠지....? CHAPTER XIII Mr. Rochester, it seems, by the surgeon's orders, went to bed early that night; nor did he rise soon next morning. When he did come down, it was to attend to business: his agent and some of his tenants were arrived, and waiting to speak with h.. 2023. 9. 19.
영어 단편소설 - Soldier's Home - Ernest Hemingway(병사의 고향) 헤밍웨이는 간결한 문장으로 유명하다. 그의 글을 읽다 보면 이렇게 써도 소설이 된다는 게 신기할 정도로 쉬운 문장들이 많다. 조금만 노력하면 볼 수 있는 짧은 소설이니 다들 즐겁게 즐겨 주셨으면 좋겠다. Krebs went to the war from a Methodist college in Kansas. There is a picture which shows him among his fraternity brothers, all of them wearing exactly the same height and style collar. He enlisted in the Marines in 1917 and did not return to the United States until the second divisi.. 2023. 9. 18.
제인 에어(Jane Eyre) 영어 오디오북 챕터 12 오디오북은 공부할 때 많은 도움이 된다. 할 수만 있다면 듣기만 하지 말고 함께 따라서 읽어보면 영어 원어민에 가까운 속도로 말을 하는 연습도 될 수 있다. CHAPTER XII The promise of a smooth career, which my first calm introduction to Thornfield Hall seemed to pledge, was not belied on a longer acquaintance with the place and its inmates. Mrs. Fairfax turned out to be what she appeared, a placid-tempered, kind-natured woman, of competent education and average i.. 2023. 9. 17.